2000 Years, Jujitsu & Kodokan Judo

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Author: Dennis Helm
Pub: 1991/1998 Self-Published
Pages: 107
In Print


This large size paperback is available (as far as I know) only on the Internet, at 2000 Years. This was purchased with high expectations, but mixed feelings after I read it. The few pictures often come out 'washed', and this book covers no techniques, only history. It covers the history of Jujitsu and Judo in pages 7-24, and from page 25 to 106 is essentially the American history of Judo. While this is valuable as well, I was hoping for much more treatment of the early tradition and history of Judo. The pages are all typed on only one side, but the spiral binding is well done. All in all, I have mixed feelings on this one... Was it worth the $30 to me? Maybe... would it be worth it to you? I'll err on the side of caution and give this one just two stars.

HOT FLASH!! --July 22, 2001-- I've been informed that this book has undergone a drastic revision, and is now twice the number of pages... New review will appear here within the month, hopefully! So stay tuned!

2000 YEARS 2 Edition

 THE AUTHORS  .......................................... 1
 PREFACE  .............................................. 2
 TABLE OF CONTENTS  .................................... 3
 JUJITSU  .............................................. 7
 THE FOUNDING OF KODOKAN JUDO  ........................ 10
 EARLY AMERICAN JUDO  ................................. 24
 THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST  ............................... 27
 JUDO IN HAWAII  ...................................... 37
 JUDO IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA  ......................... 39
 JUDO IN THE PACIFIC SOUTHWEST  ....................... 41
 WESTERN UNITED STATES  ............................... 43
 THE RELOCATION CENTERS  .............................. 46
 CHICAGO  ............................................. 50
 THE HISTORY OF TEXAS JUDO  ........................... 56
 SHUFU  ............................................... 58
 JUDO IN THE ARMED FORCES  ............................ 63
 THE 1956 GOODWILL JUDO TOUR OF JAPAN  ................ 66
 JOHN DEWEY AND JIGORO KANO ........................... 76
 THE MEANING OF KODOKAN JUDO .......................... 81
 BIOGRAPHY ............................................ 98
 10th DEGREE BLACK BELT .............................. 104
 BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................ 107



2000 YEARS: JUJITSU AND KODOKAN JUDO is the product of more than 22 years of efforts. Library research, interviews, worldwide travel, writing and rewriting, editing and reediting, the development of funding proposals and reports, and a host of other efforts went into the development of this document. The project was spearheaded by Dennis Helm, Go Dan, and has been supported by a host of other individuals.

The text is an important one for competitors and spectators, for teachers and students, and for all who are interested in the martial arts, jujitsu, and, particularly, in Judo. But its importance goes beyond the martial arts. It is a study of the development of a human endeavor, which was momentous in the evolution of Japanese civilization and, in a subtler manner, American, and World history.

The involvement of Roosevelt and Dewey in American Judo is significant and interesting. The tracing of the regional development of Judo in the United States will fascinate judo enthusiasts. The biographical information about the 10th degree black belts and other key figures in Judo are critical to the development of respect for this worthy art. Competitors and teachers will want to study the growth of Judo techniques from ancient jujitsu practices. And, finally, the philosophical bases for current Judo can apply to all aspects of modern life.

The sponsors, authors, and contributors of 2000 YEARS: JU JITSU AND KODOKAN JUDO welcome you to the project and wish you the best in your reading of the manuscript. Enjoy!

2000 YEARS took 22 years to compile and is intended to be starting point or future Judo and Martial Arts histories. For those who follow us, we wish you the best.

Congratulations are due to all that contributed to this massive project but, in particular, to Dennis Helm, who organized, maintained, and provided the driving force behind the project. Without his efforts, 2000 YEARS would not exist.

Len Etlinger
December 12, 1990

Portions of 2000 YEARS may be reproduced for any reason without permission of the authors or publisher if adequate identification of the source is provided.

First Edition First Printing - January, 1991
Second Edition First Printing-April, 1998

Dennis Helm
9907 Debbie Lane
Rockford, IL 61115-1530
Email: PANDA30256@usa.net


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