A Guide To Judo - Throwing Techniques

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Author: Takumi Ohashi
Pub: 1964 by Nihon Kogyo Shimbun
Pages: 108
Out of Print


Fairly simplistic book, line drawings, no photos. I can't think of anything to say about this book, it's not distinguishable in any particular way.

Chapter I  Introductory Remarks  ................. 13
   1.  Ukemi (how to drop safely upon tile mat)... 13
   2.  Tsukuri and Kake  ......................... 17
   3.  The general principles of Judo training
       and method  ............................... 25

Chapter II  The Dynamics of Nage-waza  ........... 29
   1.  The center of gravity (stable or unstable). 29
   2.  The moment  ............................... 31
   3.  The principle of the lever  ............... 32
   4.  Energy of motion  ......................... 33
   5.  The theory of inertia  .................... 34
   6.  The dynamical principle of the swing
       of the pendulum  .......................... 35
   7.  Couple  ................................... 37

Chapter III  Explanation of the throwing tech-
             niques  ............................. 39
     Fundamental principles of the hip-
     throwing technique  ......................... 39
     Uki-goshi  .................................. 40
     Harai-goshi  ................................ 41
     Seoi-nage ................................... 43
     Tsurikomi-goshi  ............................ 46
     Hane-goshi   ................................ 48
     Ashi-guruma  ................................ 52
     Maki-goshi  ................................. 53
     Kokae-komi-goshi  ........................... 53
     Koshi-guruma  ............................... 54
     Oh-goshi  ................................... 55
     Utsuri-goshi  ............................... 56
     Ura-nage  ................................... 58
     Ushiro-goshi  ............................... 59
     Soto-maki-komi  ............................. 60
     Uchi-maki-komi  ............................. 61
     Hane-maki-komi  ............................. 63
     Uchi-mata  .................................. 63
     Foot-throwing Techniques  ................... 66
     Okuri-ashi-barai  ........................... 66
     Harai-tsurikomi-ashi  ....................... 68
     Sasae-tsurikomi-ashi  ....................... 71
     Deashi-harai  ............................... 71
     Ko-uchi-gari  ............................... 73
     Ko-uchi-gari-gaeshi  ........................ 75
     Oh-uchi-gari  ............................... 75
     Hiza-guruma  ................................ 78
     Ko-soto-gari  ............................... 80
     Oh-soto-gari  ............................... 82
     Oh-soto-guruma  ............................. 85
     Oh-soto-otoshi  ............................. 86
     Tomoe-nage  ................................. 86
     Tai-otoshi  ................................. 88
     Uki-otoshi  ................................. 90
     Yoko-gake  .................................. 92
     Kata-guruma  ................................ 96
     Tsuri-goshi  ................................ 97
     Sumi-taoshi  ................................ 97
     Sumi-gaeshi  ................................ 98
     Yoko-guruma  ................................ 99
     Daki-wakare  ............................... 100
     Tawara-gaeshi  ............................. 101
     Uki-waza  .................................. 101

Chapter IV  How to attack the opponent by
            changing techniques one after the
            other  .............................  103



To be a true Judo player one must be equally proficient in both the techniques of throwing and locking, which are complementary to each other. From this point of view, the author has, with the cooperation of Professor Yaichibe Kanemitsu, made the fullest possible use of his book "Judo no Hongi" in describing these throwing techniques.

I do hope this book will be made use of as a sister-volume to my "Guide to Judo Grappling Techniques" which has been published earlier. The author will welcome any corrections or advice on any point in this publication.

Takumi Ohashi


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