The Sport Of Judo - As Practiced In Japan
Author: Kiyoshi Kobayashi & Harold E. Sharp
Pub: 1958
Pages: 104
In Print: Buy Now!
This widely available book was the first introduction to Judo for many people. This large glossy-print paperback has many good photos, and the text is easy to read. I would not recommend this book for the advanced Judoka, it is much more oriented for the Judo beginner. However, it is quite good for beginning Judo students.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction V A Brief History of Judo vi Grading viii The Contest ix Training and Practice 3 Types of Techniques 5 Ukemi (Falling) 8 Tachiwaza (Throwing Techniques) 14 Kuzushi (Unbalancing Opponent) 16 Tsukuri (Position for Throwing) 17 Kake (Throwing) 17 Renrakuwaza (Combination Techniques) 19 Taiotoshi (Body Drop Throw) 20 Ippon Seoinage (One Arm Shoulder Throw) 22 Morote Seoinage (Both Arm Shoulder Throw) 24 Uki Goshi (Floating Hip Throw) 26 Ogoshi (Major Hip Throw) 28 Tsurikomi Goshi (Lift and Pull Hip Throw) 30 Sode-Tsurikomi Goshi (Lift and Pulling Sleeve Hip Throw) 32 Koshi Guruma (Hip Wheel Throw) 35 Harai Goshi (Sweeping Loin Thrown) 36 Hane Goshi (Springing Hip Throw) 38 Hane Makikomi (Winding Spring Hip Throw) 41 Ushiro Goshi (Rear Hip Throw) 42 Utsuri Goshi (Changing Hip Throw) 48 Uchimata (Inside Thigh Throw) 44 Osoto Gari (Major Outer Reaping Throw) 47 Osoto Makikomi (Major Outer Winding Throw) 5l Osoto Otoshi (Major Outer Rear Drop Throw) 54 Kosoto Gari (Minor Outer leaping Throw) 56 Kosoto Gakae (Minor Outer Breaking Throw) 57 Ouchi Gari (Major Inner Reaping Throw) 58 Kouchi Gari (Minor Inner Reaping Throw) 60 Hiza Guruma (Knee Wheel Throw) 64 Sasae Tsurikomi Ashi (Propping Ankle Throw) 65 Harai Tsurikomi Ashi (Lift Pull Foot Sweep) 66 Tomoenage (Somersault or Stomach Throw) 68 Uchi Makikomi (Inner Winding Throw) 70 Soto Makikomi (Outer Winding Throw) 71 Ukiwaza (Floating Technique Throw) 72 Newaza (Grappling Techniques) 74 Osaekomiwaza (Holding Techniques) 75 Kesagatame (Cross-Chest Holding) 76 Katagatame (Shoulder Holding) 78 Kamishihogatame (Upper Four-Corner Holding) 80 Yokoshihogatame (Side Four-Corner Holding) 82 Tateshihogatame (Vertical Four-Corner Holding) 85 Shimewaza (Strangling Techniques) 87 Hadaka Jime (Naked Strangle) 88 Okuri Eri Jime (Sliding Lapel Strangle) 88 Kataha Jime (One Side Strangle) 90 Namijuji Jime (Natural Cross Strangle) 91 Gyakujuji Jime (Reverse Cross Strangle) 92 Katajuji Jime (Half Cross Strangle) 93 Kansetsuwaza (Armlock Techniques) 94 Juji Gatame (Cross Armlock) 95 Ude Garami (Arm Coil Lock) 96 Ude Gatame (Arm Lock) 96 Contest Rules of Kodokan Judo 99 Glossary of Japanese Terms 108 |
JUDO AS A SPORT, is not well known in the Western world. The mention of the word to most people brings to mind death-dealing blows on the back of the neck or 100-pound weakling' throwing Goliaths over their shoulders with the flick of a wrist. Both impressions are incorrect. It is neither magic nor trickery although it is sometimes a means by which the weak can defeat the strong. It is, in fact, an honorable and well-regulated sport based on ancient Japanese methods of barehanded fighting, It is a kind of wrestling with clothes on, requiring a special uniform, necessary to its practice. It may be engaged in by ordinary people, both young and old, male or female. There are no secret shortcuts to proficiency - progress depends on the individual and the teacher.
Whether or not a weakling could defeat a giant, or whether a judo man, could conquer a wrestler or boxer, depends entirely on the two individuals concerned. There are good judo men, boxers and wrestlers. All have the ability for close in fighting, using whatever skills they possess. The fighter who can effectively apply his technique first will undoubtedly win. Although judo is based on the martial arts of Japan (bujitsu), judo men (judoka) practice it only as a sport to be played against other judo men. Its application for self defense is rarely taught in judo schools. Formerly part of the curriculum of all Japanese police academies, general hand-to-hand tactics has been discontinued, except for special problems in handling mob violence. The world-wide interest in judo, which has developed in recent years, has resulted in an increased demand for information on the subject directly from Japan. There are few books available - even in Japanese - and translations are inadequate.
The authors of this book have set out to fill in the void. The techniques presented, are given as practiced in Japan today and as recognized by the Kodokan, the original judo institute. Special emphasis has been placed on the throwing arts, the more interesting phases of judo. Methods of fighting on the ground are dificult to describe with either words or pictures and to master them one should receive personal instruction from a teacher.
IN FEUDAL, JAPAN, the only weapons were hands (jiujutsu), knives, clubs, staves, swords, spears and bows and arrows. Use of these was taught and practiced with scientific and often deadly skill. Teachers held official positions and were highly regarded. Their teachings were promulgated in the many schools that developed. Toward the end of the Tokugawa era (1576-18l6) a great change occurred in the types of weapons and methods of fighting. The old martial arts fell into rapid disuse and interest diminished accordingly. The jiujutsu masters lost their official positions and were forced to seek employment elsewhere. Many turned to wrestling and to exhibitions at fairs. One man, Jigoro Kano, a student of many of the old masters, realized that the arts were disappearing. He set out to revive, organize and systematize a course of instruction in them. In June, 1882, he established the Kodokan in Tokyo. Today's sport of judo is that system as developed by Kano in the intervening years.
Judo means literally the "gentle way" and Kodokan means literally "a school of studying the way," "the way" being the concept of life itself. The following is an extract from a speech given at the University of Southern California by Professor Kano, on the occasion of the 10th Olympiad in 1932.
"Let me now explain what this gentleness or giving way really means. Suppose we assume that we may estimate the strength of man in units of one. Let us say that the strength of a man standing in front of me is represented by ten units, whereas my strength, less than his, is represented by seven units. Then if he pushes me with all his force I shall certainly be pushed back or thrown down, even if I use all my strength against him. This would happen because I used all my strength against him, opposing strength with strength. But if, instead of opposing him, I were to give way to strength by withdrawing my body just as much as he had pushed, remembering to keep my balance, then he would naturally lean forward and thus lose his balance. In this new position, he may have become so weak (not in actual physical strength but because of his awkward position) as to have his strength represented for the moment by, say, only three units, instead of his normal ten units. But meanwhile, I, by keeping my balance, retain my full strength, as originally represented by seven units. Here then, I am momentarily in an advantageous position and I can defeat my opponent using only half of my strength, that is half of my seven units, or three and one-half of my strength against his three. This leaves one-half of my strength available for any purpose. In case I had greater strength than my opponent I could of course push him back. But even in this case, that is, if I had wished to push him back and had the power to do so, it would be better first for me to have given way, because in doing so I should have greatly economized my energy."
Judo is an art that is practiced as a sport. Although there is no distinction made separating the two, the authors have done so in this book because of the great differences in the aims and practices of judo men today. Its aims are threefold and are practiced in the following order:
Physical development (renshindo)
Proficiency in contest (shoubuho)
Mental development (shushinho)