Where is YOUR Forearm? Correct Tsukuri...


One of the most common problems I see in Judo technique is poor usage or placement of Tori’s dominant hand/arm. To give an example that everyone should be familiar with - in the classical version of a right-sided Osotogari - where should Tori’s right forearm go?

All too often, I see no forearm contact at all - yet this is the primary means of converting the forward thrust of your driver leg to uke’s upper body. How many times have you seen Judoka practicing Osotogari with their right arm virtually straight out to their right, and behind the plane of their shoulders as they execute Osotogari? When clearly their forearm should be pointing up, their entire arm from elbow to hand grip, punching uke’s chest…

In general, on many throws, the dominant hand (the right hand for right-sided techniques), is the main ‘transmitter’ of force to uke’s body. Look to your techniques to see where your right hand & arm are - and see if it’s doing the function if should be doing. In most cases, the power of your Judo technique will be greatly increased if you simply use your right hand and arm correctly.