What Is Judo?
![]() Pub: 1947 Pages: 78 Ranking: ![]() Out of Print |
![]() Pub: 1960 Pages: 87 Ranking: ![]() Out of Print |
This is the sort of book that can be fascinating to the historian of Judo, but of very little interest to the average Judoka. As the title implies it's more or less an introduction to Judo for non-Judoka.
Contents one what is judo .................................. 8 two for what purpose? ............................ 10 physical development mental development self-defence three what history has judo ........................ 13 jujitsu judo of kodokan extention of judo recreation four what kinds of techniques ..................... 16 classification bird's-eye view of the techniques of judo a art of throwing b art of grappling c art of attacking the vital points five how to practise .............................. 50 means of training free exercise (randori) form (kata) the judo match kinds of matches victory and defeat time of match locality umpirage Six what cares must be taken ..................... 69 contest rules of the kodokan judo ................................ 71 guide to the kodokan ......................... 86 |
Preface (To the 1947 Edition)
Since the autumn of 1945, many soldiers of the Allied Forces are come to occupy this country, Among - them there are many who take a warm interest in the art of Judo and take lessons willingly from us.
For the practice of Judo, it is the most important to get the excellent instructor. At the same time, it is much useful to get the general idea of the art with a concise explanatory book on Judo. Such are very scarce nowadays in this country; especially those written for foreigners. The present brochure has been compiled as an attempt to make up this deficiency.
Judo is generally known in Europe and America with the name of Jiujitsu, while in this country, the latter name is at present superseded by the former one.
Jiujitsu is a nomination originated naturally since long time, and Judo is a name given to the principles of Jiujitsu completely systematized and rearranged by Prof. J Kano, the founder of our Kodokan Judo College.
As a guide book for she beginners, many pictures are inserted with the explanations of the practice; more practical explanation rather than that of theoretical side.
As the edition was a little hurried, there may be some points to be thought over. The compiler's aim will therefore be only attained, if one, reading with application, can deepen the knowledge of the art and get some profit for the practice.
Tokyo, May, 1947.
President of the Kodokan Judo College.
Preface (To the 1956 Edition)
Judo is now very popular all over the World, as the means of Sport, of Self Defence and, moreover, of Moral Culture.
This book is only a small guide for the beginners of Judo, to explain them What is Judo?
The First Edition was published in 1947, and since then it has been welcomed by many nations as the guide explained very simple and plain.
For those, however, who, after having studied this, would like to go ahead with the studies, I recommend the ILLUSTRATED KODOKAN JUDO, published by the Kodokan, whole in English. There is prepared also the French Edition of quite the same contents.
On the occasion of reprinting, I express my senses about the edition of this brochure.
Tokyo, January, 1956
Risei KANO
President of the Kodokan